May 5, 2024

Create A Unique Costume On A Budget

You don’t have to spend a lot on a unique cosplay costume. In fact, it’s easier to create a unique super hero costume on a budget — if you buy one in a costume store, it won’t be unique, because others could get the same one. You can choose which character you wish to be ahead of time, but you may have better luck — and more flexibility — if you leave room for trial and error and give yourself time to think about the materials you have available, what you need to get and where to get the materials you are lacking for an awesome, unique costume that will get the kids at all the conventions turning their heads.

Be Sensible

Some of the hardest lessons learned in creating a costume for San Diego Comic Con or any other celebrated cosplay convention can come out of the horror of a wardrobe malfunction or dysfunctional clothing choices.

some costumes just don’t work for cons no matter how good they look.  A six foot cross made for Wolfwood (from Trigun) may seem like a great idea when your drawing out the details for the costume, but it can limit your mobility in a huge way and the possibility of injuring your friends or perfect strangers will increase incrementally. So, yes, authenticity of props does matter, but not as much when you are sacrificing the safety of your friends while lugging a real Elizabethan Sword or bronze shield.

Walk That Way

The big question, do I wear those smoking hot fire engine red stiletto go-go boots with my Superwoman costume and look awesome standing beside Superman and Wolverine, but completely unable to walk more than four feet without letting out a silent whimper or blood curdling scream (please dearest goddess let me get through today and I promise never to wear these boots again!). Or do you opt to wear comfortable boots or sneakers instead? If you don’t usually wear high heels or any other form of footwear that is foreign to you, then be prepared for some blisters if you don’t bring an alternative. You can still bring the sexy boots and carry them in a backpack to put on for those group shots.

You Had the Ruby Slippers All Along

To outfit yourself in a truly unique low-budget costume it isn’t necessary to buy anything at all. Many of the materials you need can be found in your own home. Maybe you have some old curtains in the linen closet that could be made into a cape. Or extra plywood, in the shed, that can be cut  and painted to look like a sword and shield. If your character is a ninja, wear all black with a ski mask. If you’re a monster or a goblin in a “Harry Potter” story, wear scary makeup and tattered clothes.

Put it to the Test

One of the best ways you can test whether your costume is will work at a con or during a parade, is to do the run and turn around test; run about four feet turn around quick and run back, if any item of your costume falls off or is impairing you from completing the test — it stays at home.

Use these fun tips to modify or create your own creative affordable cosplay costume and you might even beam with a newly found confidence, knowing that you have an awesome costume, you didn’t have to pay a dime for it and it’s comfortable and functional. You can stand tall, knowing you aren’t that guy, dragging Excalibur behind you, or that girl shedding glitter everywhere or knocking people over with your extra large fairy wings. You are the smart one who followed these tips, had an awesome time with your friends and impressed that cute World of Warcraft elf. You are “Super Thrifty!”

(Featured Image by Bahamut Gundam Photography)

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