May 9, 2024

And now for something a little bit different.

The gallery linked below is much larger than our usual cosplay galleries. It contains all 488 images taken on Friday at the Anime Boston Cosplay Studio Suite. The reason for that is because I was running the convention’s Photo Department this year, under an agreement that let Nerd Caliber post the cosplay studio photos first, before they also go online in a week or more on the Anime Boston website. And Anime Boston also posts their cosplay galleries by day like Nerd Caliber does, just without breaking them down into smaller numbers like we do. So for consistency’s sake, I will be posting one gallery per day here as well. Woe betide those looking for photos on Saturday. 🙂

To be clear, while I did take quite a few photos this weekend, the vast majority of them were taken by Photo Dept. Staff volunteers, primarily Christopher Wan (boston_film) and Crystal Rhee (crypto.nite). Other photographers on staff that stepped in to take photos so the primary studio photographers could take breaks included Erza Setsuna Inverse of Shinakophoto, Ji Hong (ji_money_), and Photo Dept. Assistant Manager Serena Senecal (RoguePh0enix13).  

To quote a certain nervous-seeming nerd rocker, well, how did I get here?

The short story is that I have known in a non-convention professional capacity a member of the Anime Boston board for decades. In 2019, when they realized they needed an overhaul of the Photo Dept., he thought of me and reached out to see if I could do it. After some discussion with the various folks that would be in charge of me, and talking it over with my Nerd Caliber partner Manny, we decided to ask for some pretty bold concessions if I were to take on the role. With almost no hesitation they agreed to it all, proving that one should always ask for too much to begin a negotiation. 🙂

Over the course of the next few posts I’ll talk a bit about how this first year went, but I need to recognize the true rock at the center of the chaos, Serena. Without her years of experience in the Photo Dept. and Anime Boston staffing in general, I would have been completely lost.

Cosplayers in this gallery include aceofsnakes, eventidesky, wadexcosplay, ctcowboy71, demionknight, cubseidl, clillithcosplay, Bulletdancer Cosplay, _ellystar_, lostgirlcosplay14, Myratheon Cosplay, J. Jester cosplay, Everyone’s Hero Cosplay, senpaim00n, kayolacrayoncosplay, lizard cosplays, lounatic_cosplay, Locomania22, Bunny Moon Cosplay, makeupmermaidcosplay, strictlycosplay, jiro-sensei, ookyspookycosplay, Nerdcred Cosplay, Chocolate Ninja Cosplay, Carley Winn Cosplay, emilyanddaddycosplay, mks_cosplays, and many more.

We now use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and will post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This will allow us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free. These photos are the same size we always post — 1600 pixels in the long dimension at 72dpi. If you want the much higher resolution images (3500 pixels at 300dpi) those will be posted to the Anime Boston galleries starting in a bit more than a week.

To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit (in this case, both Nerd Caliber and Anime Boston).

If you like our work and want to show your appreciation, feel free to tip us at Ko-fi or become a patron on Patreon.

Click on the image above to see the full gallery.

11 thoughts on “Anime Boston 2022 Friday Cosplay Gallery

  1. This gallery is mostly those people. It is possible that if you had photos taken on Friday, they could be in the Saturday gallery, to be posted in a couple of days. It looks like at least one memory card had the wrong date.

  2. Amazing pictures! Can’t wait to see Saturday and Sunday! Thank you for doing such awesome work!

  3. These pictures are really well shot and edited, and I’m impressed with how fast you were able to publish them! Thanks for setting up a booth, we had a lot of fun and look forward to seeing our pictures along with the rest.

  4. My friend and I were Makima and Zero Suit Samus on Friday, but I’m not seeing the photos in either folder. Will you be uploading them soon? I can’t wait to post them!!

  5. I took a picture as yor forger on Friday but I don’t see my picture in the Saturday or Sunday gallery. Is it possible to check? I was the Yor forger with a white mask

  6. Raimuchu, we are missing a block of photos from Friday from mid-day. I am still looking for them, and I hope I can find them, but it is possible they are lost.

  7. Hi – thank you so much for all the work you did on these! I was cosplaying Joker from Persona 5 on Friday (had a mask and a big stuffed cat), but don’t see myself in Friday or Saturday. Are there possibly any pictures still missing?

  8. Selestyl, we are missing a block of photos from Friday from mid-day. I am still looking for them, and I hope I can find them, but it is possible they are lost.

  9. Any luck finding the missing block? I’d love to find the ones I took with my friend ^^

  10. MechaGhoul, none so far. I think at this point I have to say they are lost.

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