May 3, 2024

Why The Hate? A Look At Homestuck Fandom

At Another Anime Convention 2012, I took the opportunity to interview Homestuck cosplayers about why they love their fandom. The reason why I did this is because I’ve been hearing grumbling from some cosplayers of how they can’t stand Homestuck fans. One, for example, shared on Facebook how he found Homestuck cosplayers “revolting.”

I think the harsh criticism against Homestuck cosplayers comes from the fact that 1) They don’t know what Homestuck is and 2) It is very popular. In fact, at Another Anime Convention and the New York Comic Con, I would say they were the biggest group of cosplayers.

I remember Hetalia getting similar comments when they were uber-popular a few years ago. And it seems somewhere in the law of fandom states that for every nerd that likes one thing, another nerd rages against it. I’m not saying it is wrong to dislike something, but we shouldn’t be elitists about it. I don’t like the Star Wars prequels, but that doesn’t mean I think fans are disgusting for having different tastes from my own. Nerds and geeks thinking other nerds and geeks are stupid doesn’t make any sense. One person will find it boring and another will find it brilliant. The PBS Idea Channel even compares Homestuck to James Joyce’s Ulysses, one of the great novels of the 20th Century.

So for those that are curious and want to know more about this Homestuck phenomenon, or if you can’t stand it, I hope the video below will open your mind up just a little bit.

21 thoughts on “Why The Hate? A Look At Homestuck Fandom

  1. I think the major qualms levied at Homestuck are: a) its not anime, why is it at anime cons (a similar criticism thrown at Doctor Who and MLP fandoms), b) they're obnoxious and think they deserve special treatment because its Homestuck (a notion that appeared in force around Otakon, when the Homestuck panels were "snubbed" and certain pieces of the fandom went crazy) and c) they don't want to mix with other fandoms, they want just want to dominate the con at the expense of everyone else (heard at Anime Boston quite a bit).

    Ignoring the shifting dynamic of anime con culture for a moment, I've come across my fair share of obnoxious, entitled, self-righteous Homestuck fans…just like I ran into Narutards, Bronies, Hetalia crews and other fans who take things too seriously. I've also ran into Homestucks who are excellent artists, funny to be around and genuine convention fans who want to strengthen the community. But for some reason, where Homestuck is concerned, they get less leeway than just about any other fandom group, and are frequently targeted first for flaming and trolling.

  2. Especially at anime cons I can see how "it's not anime" would really strike a nerve.

  3. As the fanbase has shifted its focus in recent years, the more the "old guard" are going to rag on it. Personally, I am not a fan of the comic and I have found some Homstuckers to be absolutely moronic but they are entitled to enjoy what theylike.

    Oh, yeah, and to the people that complain that non-anime cosplayers are "taking over" the fandom…I watched footage from Otakon 1996's masquerade last night where Buzz Lightyear from "Toy Story" received an award for craftsmanship.

  4. I don't agree with this article at all. I have no problem with the series itself. I have a problem with a particular section of the fan base. The popularity has nothing to do with it. The reason so many do not like it is simply because of the fans. They tend to go to the extreme when it comes to the character they are dressed as. Now, I have many friends who like this series and they do not try and push it on to me. However, the people I've met at conventions who enjoy the series tend to do the exact opposite and ram the series down my throat. The same can be said about Hetalia. If you noticed, most of the people from Hetalia jumped from the show to Homestuck. Band wagon? I may get a lot of criticizing comments, remakes, etc. from this post, but for the people who agree, they know what I mean. Charles Dunbar, you are VERY correct, sir.

  5. Evidence exhibit 6,283,144 in which a mild distaste for / disinterest in someTHING can eventually become distaste for someONE(s), mostly in a sub-to-totally-conscious effort to feel better than those someone(s).

  6. Perhaps unsurprisingly given that it's me, I find it impossible to care one way or the other about Homestuck or its fans. They exist, they stay out of my way, and aside from jokes about them needing to get off my lawn, we ignore one another.

  7. Yes, but as everything stated is about current series that over cosplayed. Yes, Naruto was one. Still technically. But you can't swing a stick at a convention and hit a Naruto like you can a John. Like I said, there are exceptions to the fan bases. You and ACT are one. Don't get your panties in a bunch. Or in this case, horns.

  8. Actually, question for you, Charles. Would you say that cosplay is a more "closed" fandom within the more "open" anime fandom? If so, do you think it has to do with the competitive element of cosplay contests and the fact that cosplay can be used as a very visible skill/status marker?

  9. MLP, I suppose. But not to the extend Homestuck has. We are talking about current cosplays. Not past, not future.

  10. at ConnectiCon, some of my friends were doing Homestuck cosplay's…. i have no idea about the comic, but i enjoyed all the reactions the other Homestuck fans to my friends' cosplay.

    you also for got the previous super love for FMA (dare i mention The Risembool Rangers? egads!). there are always going to be "Those Fans" that give a fandom bad press. i mean think of the Star Trek from waaaaay back in the day.

    we've gone from tv show fans to comic book fans to anime fans; Homestuck in a new type of genre, with story, art, games and video all rolled together, and it's going to attract people to something that's totally different from "you're momma's fandom".

  11. I've observed some of them to be self-important and obnoxious, blocking doors to panel rooms with their photoshoots (fire hazard) and leaving panel rooms in disarray (inconsiderate). As far as Otakon is concerned, they need to understand that Otakon isn't even an anime convention, it's an Asian culture event. Homestuck is not Asian, and its components are not Asian. A Team Fortress 2 panel would be just as irrelevant. Having programming based on popular things does not support our mission, and it puts us (a 501c3) in a precarious position with the IRS. Even if the staff was cool with abandoning our mission, I HIGHLY doubt the membership as a whole would be cool with the resulting price hike (maybe 10 bucks) from lost tax exemptions. Homestuck fans can grow up and deal with it, they aren't entitled to special treatment, no more than any other passing fad.

  12. I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking it so I'll just say it to get this all over with. It is only fair and natural to want to point out Homestuck fans for their constant "trolling" at conventions. After all they are cosplaying as blueish-grey Trolls 😛

  13. I'm not sure why I just saw this on the feed, maybe because I'm scanning out of boredom, but I feel the need to address this every time anyone posts. Because I feel it's a battle I am picking for a reason. No, I am not butthurt that people dislike my fandom, I just think 99% have NEVER bothered to take a closer look. Besides ACT members, do you /personally/ know more than 20 members of the fandom? Because they are actually some of the nicest, chillest people I've ever met. They are accepting of everyone who isn't snobby and wants to give them a chance. Our of nearly 40 members of the fandom I know and consider my friends, I've only come across annoying ones about 3 times total. I wish people would just own up and say they are annoyed with HS because they dont want to read it or have read some and dont care for it. Everyone blames the fandom, when I think they really just are very negatively set on "homestuck sucks because I've heard the fans are nuts and the story is boring". What other fandom REGULARLY bothers to keep in touch and hangout besides just a few friends? Which other fandom organizes events, meetups, and canned food drives? UM NONE THAT IVE HEARD OF. Other fandoms hang out at cons, but not even really, and sure as hell don't bother to become friends. Everyone should just STOP and get to know the fans before they pass judgement. Or don't, but in that case, NEVER talk shit about them because that's immature, rude, and dumb as hell. Perhaps you've taken the time to read through all of this, perhaps not. Maybe those who couldn't make it far enough into homestuck to become engaged also didnt bother to read this comment. Oh well, ignorance is the cause of hate, so perhaps I've at least enlightened someone.

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