May 7, 2024

Emergency Cosplay Kit: The Essentials You Need To Protect Your Costume

With all of the work that goes into putting a cosplay or costume together, the last thing you want is anything to happen to your costume the day of the event or to be uncomfortable. There are a few things you should always have readily available when at a convention or other event for just in case. Pull together a little emergency kit a couple of days before an event. Waiting to do so until the last minute will likely result in the forgetting of something important and unneeded stress. The best thing to do is to create a list of what you will need. Here are some of the essentials that I think every emergency cosplay kit should have:

Small sewing kit

Hopefully you won’t find yourself needing a sewing kit when you are at a convention but you don’t want to need one and not have one. Seems come undone and hems can fall. If you catch it early enough, you can fix it with a needle and thread. Bring thread in every color used in your costume and a package of sewing needles. Don’t forget a small pair of scissors and some snaps.

Safety pins

There will be some instances when you won’t have the time to sew something back together and other times a needle and thread just won’t cut it. Safety pins are great for attaching undergarments to you costume so that they don’t show. They are also extremely useful for quick fixes when you don’t have enough time

Double-sided fashion tape

Clothing moves when you do. There’s really no way to get around it but having to pull clothing into its proper place constantly can not only be annoying but it can make you too self-conscious to enjoy yourself. Double sided fashion tape works great in a pinch if you come to find out that your costume isn’t sitting on your body the way you want it to.

Tide pen

As much as I try not to be, I’m a pretty messy eater so I can almost guarantee that I’m going to spill something on myself. Nothing makes me more furious than spending a lot of time and money on a costume just to turn around and stain it. Instead of not eating the entire time, have a stain removing pen at the ready so you can nip the stain in the butt right as it happens. Even if you aren’t a messy eater it’s still a good idea to have a stain removing pen handy just in case someone else spills something on you.

Super glue

Cosplay costumes can be rather intricate and have a lot of components to keep track of. Heat can melt glue and some things fall off for no apparent reason. Whether you have to fix an acrylic nail or refasten the sole of your shoe, you will be glad you packed some super glue.

Blotting strips

Even if you don’t have particularly oily skin, it’s a good idea to carry blotting papers with you. Pictures are snapped left and right at conventions and the last thing you want is a shiny face. Many blotting papers also come with a dusting of powder already on them so you won’t have to carry around a powder compact as well.

Band aids for blisters

You are likely going to be spending a lot of time on your feet in some uncomfortable shoes. Of course, you should always practice wearing your shoes before any event so you can learn how to move around smoothly in them but you should also be prepared for a little bit of discomfort. When making your costume you should always make sure that you have comfortable shoe insoles and blister pads, but be prepared because you still might get a blister or two. Bring some band aids just in case.


A sense of humor

Above all it’s important for you to enjoy yourself and have fun. Everything rarely goes perfectly so having a sense of humor is essential when participating in cosplay. Even if your costumes doesn’t turn out the way you planned or you forgot the head piece, remember that cosplay is supposed to be fun and a form of stress relief.


(Featured Image from Frontline Design.)


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