May 2, 2024

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Looks Like Luna-tic Fun

Time to play with guns, guns, and more guns. Because one of the craziest co-op games is making its return to consoles this year, in the form of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.

For those of you who never played a Borderlands title before, it is a four-player co-op, first person shooter with RPG elements. Though Borderlands The Pre-Sequel will remain similar to previous installments, it will have the addition of new mechanics and a new location — Earth’s moon. Two new weapon types are being introduced, cryogenic weaponry which can freeze enemies, and gravity will also have an effect on motion while on the moon, causing players to jump higher but slower, and items such as loot and dead bodies to float away. Also, various forms of laser-based weaponry will be added.

Players can use oxygen tanks like jetpacks to perform double jumps, hovering, and ground slamming attacks. As with other items, different types of O2 kits can provide stat bonuses, and add elemental effects to the slam attack.

In traditional Borderlands style, four new characters will take the stage, with unique character classes. Athena, “the Gladiator,” a rogue assassin of the Atlas Corporation; The Hyperion cybernetically augmented engineer Wilhelm, “the Enforcer”; Lynchwood sheriff Nisha, “the Lawbringer”; and our favorite wise cracking robot Claptrap, “the Fragtrap.” The story will follow Handsome Jack as he tries to escape his exile on the Hyperion Moonbase, on his path to becoming the evil villain we know in Borderlands 2.

This game is already piquing my interest because both Borderlands 1 and 2 were amazing games and possibly the best co-op experiences I have had with a game in a very long time. I look forward to playing it on the PlayStation3, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows on October 14th.


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