May 2, 2024

Scott Pilgrim Versus The World Review

As this is my first blog post for the site, I feel it is only proper to introduce myself and explain how I do things. My name is Sammy Pipeline. I am the Otaku “correspondent” here at Nerd Caliber and on top of that I also throw in my two cents about everything from music to movies, comics, and gaming. When I write a review about a game or a movie or anything, really you will not find any spoilers and you will never see me write a review about something I have not seen/heard/partaken of/played.

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

Now first off, I feel that I must warn you this movie is as touted “an Epic of Epic Epicness.” Seriously though, this is definitely a movie for hardcore gamers: if you liked the old but awesome NES then you will love this movie. Before my bro Joe told me about this movie I had not ever heard of the series at all. And man, have I been missing out. This movie had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I saw it with my inner sanctum of associates and we all loved it. Why? You may ask! Aside from the fact that it incorporates 8-Bit gaming culture into a live action movie, the sound track is amazing, and the acting is spot on, the sound track rocked my socks, the choreography is off the charts, the animation was beautiful in all of its 8-Bit glory, and did I mention the soundtrack?

Now first I want to talk about the acting, the acting in this movie was amazing albeit at times it was cheesy but you don’t mind cause it’s the good kind of cheesy like the middle of a perfectly cooked mozzarella stick, not the bad kind like the slice of cheese that falls to the bottom of the fridge and stays there for three months and molds and starts to move and eat smaller scraps of food… but I digress. [Indeed. Ugh. -Nerdly] The actors and actresses they cast for this movie were, in my opinion, perfect. I cannot imagine a better cast. The choreography for the fight scenes and the incorporation of the 8-Bit graphics was the best I’ve seen in a movie in the last decade. I say this because in a lot of movies these days the choreography is over-played and unbelievable but the way it was done here was completely believable.

The music for this movie is great; I would say it is the best soundtrack I’ve heard from the last two years hands down. I really can’t say anything else it’s just that great I will let it speak for itself.

All in all this movie is a must see for anyone who calls themselves a gamer and as my boy Stephen said as we exited the theater “you can no longer call yourself a gamer until you have seen this movie.” Obviously, not everyone is going to like it because people have different tastes, but as for me? This just made it into my top five list of best movies I’ve ever seen, and trust me it’s an EPIC list.

That’s all for now, see you next time.


Sammy Pipeline

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