April 28, 2024

New ‘Doctor Who’ Comic Captures Baker’s Four With Flair

Writers: Gordon Rennie & Emma Beeby
Artist: Brian Williamson
Publisher: Titan Comics
FC – 32pp – $3.99

Cover A Alice X. Zhang

Let us start with a very simply concept: a Whovian. According to Urban Dictionary, a Whovian is a fan of the sci-fi show Doctor Who who has “knowledge which stems from their interest in space and time, and the information gained from many viewings of the show.” I am a proud Whovian, I even have knowledge that encompasses Classical Who. So when I was given the assignment to review a Doctor Who comic, especially one that stars Tom Baker’s Doctor and Elisabeth Sladen’s Sarah Jane, I was skeptical. I mean how could you possibly capture the quirk that is Tom Baker and the sass that is Sarah Jane?

I was proven wrong from the their first appearance.

Just like a good Doctor Who episode, the scene is set. The bad guys are setting that scene (What scene? No idea, but they are setting it.) Then they appear! I mean the first panel of them is a little cheesy and Photoshop-looking but I guess that means the artist did a fantastic job. The dialogue (bravo writers) is on point with the light banter and out-there way of the Doctor. Jumping from one subject to another and that lovable pretentious attitude. And just like in a good Doctor Who episode — the companion gets the brunt of the adventure and the Doctor has to save her.

That cliffhanger though!? (That’s all I’ll say on that.)

4D_01_PREVIEW2The writers and artist do a fantastic job making you believe you are within the world that Whovians know and love so much; especially with the yearlong hiatus we have to suffer at the moment. (We miss you Doctor Who!) I give kudos to those souls brave enough to take on the project where one misstep will have a fandom raining down on them (But with harshly worded letters, we’re not Twilight fans). This particular story has me intrigued (might be that cliffhanger) and if this is just a sample of what writer’s Gordon Rennie and Emma Beeby can do, we Whovians and Doctor Who are in very good hands.

Overall? Reading the comic is nothing like watching an episode, but I have to say that Titan Comics is doing a bang up job of attempting. This is also a great way of bringing back Doctors that new age Whovians might never have met yet. The artwork is believable, the story is what I expect (twists and turns), and it makes me feel good about being a Whovian.

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