April 27, 2024

Dragon Rage Hot Sauce by The Cooking Dojo!

I hope everyone had a great holiday season and new year! I wanted to kick off the new year with a creation of my very own, Dragon Rage Hot Sauce! Before I get into how I made my sauce and where I came up with the creativity behind it, I want to tell you how you can make your very own hot sauce. There are only two things you need for your hot sauce; a hot pepper of your choice and you need to decide whether you want it to be tomato or vinegar based. If you want a mild hot sauce, jalapenos are your best bet, but for a hotter sauce, habaneros are your friend. If you are feeling daring enough, you could also use a ghost pepper. But be warned, a ghost pepper can rank anywhere from 330,000-1,000,000 on the scoville heat scale. To give you an idea of how hot that is, I’ll share two experiences with you. The first is that I had a drop of hot sauce that ranked at 35,000 scoville, and it was so hot my eyes started to water. The second story I have for you is that I actually ate a ghost pepper at about 11 AM in the morning and my mouth felt like it was on fire until about 2 AM the following morning. What I love about making your own hot sauce is that you can get very creative with it. You really can’t go wrong with it other than making it too hot.

But without further a due, let me share with you my hot sauce and how I made it. I love tomato flavor, so I used a tomato base. While I wanted the sauce to be hot, I didn’t want it to be dangerously hot so I used habaneros (about 2 pounds to be exact). Because the sauce is titled Dragon Rage and dragons are usually associated with western cultures, I used some teriyaki sauce for flavor. Where did the name come from you ask? Well if you thought of Pokemon, then you are correct! I have included a video of how I made the sauce as well as a competition we had with it at Otakon. I hope you enjoy it. How hot is the sauce you ask? Well that is for you to decide, but one thing is certain. It’s super effective!

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