April 28, 2024

PAX East 2023 Sunday Cosplay Gallery By FirstPerson Shooter Part 1

Sunday at PAX East 2023 couldn’t have started better. My Lyft driver showed up one minute earlier than predicted, and when I walked around to get into the rear passenger side, I saw arranged across the bottom of the window, stickers of Gon and Hisoka from Hunter X Hunter, and Saber from Fate/stay night. So we had plenty to talk about during the long drive in to the BCEC.

By the time the day ended (I left about 30 minutes before the show floor closed to try to avoid the Lyft/Uber rush I assumed would happen) I had taken just enough pictures of cosplayers to make up two galleries. You will see in these galleries that as the day progressed and I watched people leaving the show floor and walking through the lobby unmasked without being stopped by any Enforcers, I decided to allow cosplayers to take off their masks while I was photographing them if they wished.

I’m still 100 percent a proponent of wearing masks at all times during any convention (and did so myself aside from moments of eating or drinking) but I decided to not force that choice on a cosplayer getting their photo taken when no one is within six feet of them.

Cosplayers in the first of two Sunday galleries include Inevitable Betrayal Cosplay, blueeyedsirencosplay, shylax_cosplay, yueryder, Lawrence Brenner Media, Samantha Winslow Cosplay, ashleydarkphoenix, Mink the Satyr Cosplay, leahroseftw, gracedbycosplay, zimmermanjoe21, thatgreygentleman, Vee Cosplay, oceanman_cosplays, and many more.

We use Smugmug to present cosplay photo galleries and post all photos there, with a link to each gallery in its own gallery article. This allows us to give you higher resolution images to download — still for free.

To view the entire gallery, just click on the image below. If you are pictured in any of our galleries, feel free to download the images and use them non-commercially on social media, with appropriate credit.

If you like our work and want to show your appreciation, feel free to tip us at Ko-fi or become a patron on Patreon.

Click on the image above to see the full gallery.

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